Wednesday, August 20, 2008

A Break-In

I've got a head cold. Sniffles. Achy. *sigh*

Today, two of the boys had orthodontist appointments. We go to one that's 45 minutes away, a lovely country drive, today, unfortunately, in the rain. I'm not quite thinking clearly, and didn't lock the house. Couldn't find my keys. But I did have one of the boys shut the gate. And with Toby, all 140 lbs of him, sprawled all over the front porch, I wasn't too worried about anyone getting into the house.

But when we got home several hours later, Toby was nowhere in sight.


After getting caught in the electric fence, he has been kinda shy about getting out of the yard.

We all walked into the house, and there he was. Sprawled all over the living room floor.

Now, I need to explain something. I got up late. The boys made coffee cake for breakfast. Crumbs. All over. Then we had lunch, so we could get out the door at 1pm. Naturally, nobody vacuumed.

So here was Toby, in the house, and not a single crumb in sight. Toby sees big chunks of food, but he doesn't do too well with crumbs. But I'm telling you, it looked like someone had vacuumed.

Then I saw how Toby got in the house.

He had nosed the back sliding glass door open, just enough to get through.

Smart dog.

And then guess who came in and vacuumed? And left a calling card under the table?

I wish I could harness this kind of help.

I'm going to name her "Emilene".



Jimbones said...

I know which chicken gets eaten first!!!

The one with the cake stuffing

Peters Family Farms said...

Hello there, I just popped over here from reading your MOMYS post about the above rubies confrence. So I can plan on meeting you there?