Thursday, August 14, 2008

Short Update June 22, 2008

After two years.. I think we've got this health thing figured out.

I have Hypoglycemia.

That's a fancy word meaning that I am actually not human, but a Hobbit.
Hobbits eat Breakfast, 2nd Breakfast, 11sies, Luncheon, Dinner, Supper, and Afternoon Tea :o) They are short and roundish (I'm getting there, I'm up to 110) and like to run around barefoot. Explains a lot, doesn't it?

Technically, my body is not able to handle sugar, any kind of sweetener, starch or even grain right now. BUT... I am feeling So Much Better eating veggies and fruit with protein or fats. The downside; cheese, ick. Eggs, ick. The upside, my Very Own fruit basket, steak instead of pizza, all the Apple and Avocado salad I want, and snacks every two hours.

I'm really glad to know that I'm actually a Hobbit. I wonder if I could convince Dh to put a round door on our house. Maybe fill in the back yard up to the house with dirt, so we could let the cows graze on the roof.

OH! YES! We got the dog! His name is Toby (Old Toby, see, what a great name for a Hobbit's dog). I swear this dog is perfect. He rarely barks. Generally only if he's sitting outside and we are inside and aren't letting him in. Or when he peed on the electric fence. He is huge. 140 lbs at least. All black, with a white spot on his chest. His coloring exactly matches one of the cats. He holds the floor down in whatever room I happen to be in.
Generally right in the middle of traffic. He goes nuts when I come home from somewhere, and romps all over the front yard. The little girls lay all over him and climb on him. He doesn't drool, and I have no idea where he poops, cause it's not on the lawn and nobody has stepped in any. The neighbor dogs, Duke and Abby, yellow labs, have made friends with him. They came into our yard the other day and the male peed where Toby had peed. Made Duke bark, too. Here is Sadie giving him a drink on his first day home:

You caught that little tidbit about cows, didn't you? We are still deciding on names: T-bone, Hamburger and Stew, or Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner. (I'm thinking Elevensies, 2nd Breakfast and Afternoon Tea, but do you actually have beef with tea?) They are Jersey dairy bullocks, or, they *were*. They are eunics now. 16yo Kit learned how to band them. (She'll never have a problem with young men getting out of hand, if you know what I mean. She knows two ways to castrate animals, and can hold them down while doing it. Heheheheh. Dh won't even need his shotgun.) Anyway, they are the cutest little buggars. Just a week old and bottle fed. It's so cute seeing the boys out there feeding their little babies with these huge bottles. Wanna know how much they cost? One llama. Actually, we can have two more next year, too. Keegan feeding the calves:

Sadie is reading up a storm. She wrote a little report on her pet, and drew a very nice picture. "I have a snail. It is Slimy. I like to hold him."

Twins Annie and Mae spend much attention to the decorating of the front porch with their chalk. The big boys made a ramp kind of thing out of boards and pallets on top of tires and stuff, to ride their bikes on. It is now a fishing boat.

The kids are keeping busy while I eat. ;o)

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